Some Encouragement

As of late I’ve been running into droves of new writers and artists getting discouraged because of lack of progress in their endeavors. Everyone experiences it. . .it’s just how you choose to manage it. Sometimes you just need to step away for a day or two to recharge. Understand that things don’t happen overnight. Doing this stuff is hard work especially in light of having a job, other hobbies, and relationships/families. I’ve seen too many people give up because they’ve run into one or two roadblocks. The crazy part is that these people have great and unique ideas/stories. If you’re a writer who can’t find an artist, keep writing, write short stories, learn to draw while continuing to write. I would also encourage people to join groups with similar goals. There are plenty of groups on social media. It’s always cool to bounce ideas off of people are genuinely interested in the same things you are. It bites writing on an island. Unfortunately for me, I don’t really have a lot of friends who are into what I’m into at the level I’m into it. I’ve been struggling with this since the mid 90’s and I’m still here sweating it out. Don’t quit!

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