I’ve got nothin’
I’m currently “trapped” in Utah on a 3-week stint. The weather here is wonderful and I’m getting a lot done so I really can’t complain much. I’m still penciling away at Issue 4 and getting more into the planning process for the final shooting of the short film. I’m also working with a friend on another project. Hopefully, I can manage to keep my head above water this time so I’m not comatose for 24 hours again. . .lol.
I’ve recently been reading books by Brian Godawa (Enoch Primordial and Noah Primeval) and they are some of the best books that I’ve read. . . not only because they address similar topics as my comics, but they’re thorough and exciting. If you get a chance, I recommend that you get a hard copy or order them for your kindle through Amazon.com. One thing of note. . .I recommend not reading them before you go to sleep. . .lol!
Father’s Day is coming up and my gift is going to be soooo sweet! I can’t wait to get it to my pops! What else. . . Man of Steel movie this week, Alice in Chains Album release. . . Oh yeah, my boys Chaos Rains (from my home town) have been killing it in the rock scene. They will be playing at Dirtfest in the near future. They also have a track that will be played in the short film. Click on the Prophecy link to read more about them. Lastly, the new group shot is in the works using the new comic title. Hope all is well out in the world of the living!
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