
“It’s the sport of kings. . .better than diamond rings. . .FOOTBALL!!!” I truly enjoyed some of the games that were played yesterday! Michigan dun diddit agin. . .with a backup QB no less!!! I’ve got to hand it Devin Gardner. . .he’s a trooper. Knowing good and well that he was the better QB, he concedes and changes position to better help the team. Well God has given you a chance my brotha and you are showing the world your talent. I really hope that he starts next year as QB. Alabama gets bumped by none other than Texas A&M. . .lol. I did not see that one coming, but I’m happy for the Aggies and glad to see someone bring them back down to earth. . .talking about beating NFL teams and junk.

I just purchased a prototype Eidelons uniform for the short film. It looked good on the net. We’ll see how good it looks when I get it. I really hope it turns out how I think its going to. We’re also working on a giant poster that not only includes the Eidelons, but the AOE, the Osirica, and the underground. David is working on the pencils as I type this. How long will it take? That’s another question for another day. . .lol.

Today is Veterans Day. If you know a veteran, thank them or shake their hand. If you’re one of them. . .thank you! It’s a hard job. . .it’s a hard lifestyle. The sacrifices made are great. Some are still paying the price once they leave. . .nightmares, strained relationships, difficult social transitions, etc. Some have given their lives. . .but they are not forgotten. Given all of the craziness that came with it, I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything! I also want to thank those that have supported the veterans all this time whether it be financial, phone calls, letters, emails, cookies, or just making us a home-cooked meal. It means more than you could ever know.

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