Issue 3 Promo

The Issue 3 promo is currently being worked on by none other than Stefano Marinetti.  I’m pretty stoked to see the completed product!

I’d also like to wish my brother (Jan 15) and Mother (Jan 16) both Happy Birthdays!  I hope that they see many more!

Michigan had the opportunity to be #1 in the nation for men’s basketball, but managed to blow it.  We tend to do things like that.  I’ll feel better if we take down Minnesota on Thursday.

Turning up the intensity on these workouts so I can bring my A-game for the shooting.

Looking forward to getting back to TX this weekend so I can chill out for a bit.  I still need to get my bearings and there’s also some work that I’d like to do in the house.  I’m also overdue for a massage.  I did get to hang out with my best bro this past weekend in NY, which was pretty sweet.  We went over the script for the film and spent some time with some of his co-workers from SiriusXM.  It was good to see Kal and Kayla again as I haven’t seen them in quite awhile.

I hope all is well out there in the land of the living and I look forward to writing more soon!


Sani and AJ getting work done!


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